Making a Case for Vendor Management with Senior Management

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How can I gain senior management support for vendor management?

Making a Case for Vendor Management with Senior Management

Before partnering with a vendor management firm, companies often grapple with staffing issues internally. However, before a company can partner with a vendor manager, they must often make a case to senior management. Here's a few tips for making a case for vendor management.

Present measurable results. When interviewing companies that specializes in vendor management, ask for statistics that prove cost saving, better efficiency and other benefits of vendor management.

Identify challenges with the current system. Many companies choose vendor management because their current system isn't working. Preparing the current issues can help gain support from upper management.

Baseline your results. After senior management has made the decision to provide support, it's important to show results. Take a baseline of the current performance, and use reporting tools, like the ones offered by Delta Pharma, to show results. This can be done 2-4 times yearly.



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